Vintage Coca Cola Coke Vendo 10 Cent V-63 Vending WORKING Machine Sqaure Top
Wonderful condition 50-60s, check serial number and see. It's from what I see, 10. Cent, and the number and The fact that I couldn't even find a matching identification. Image leads me to believe that it's in the earliest of that block so very early fifties. Paint on outside is meh. Front chrome bezel missing, but the aluminum grate is there. And that's the biggie. No cracks, 2 bottle pans(Works with 7oz-12 glass, 8-16.9 plastic). I keep it filled with 16.9oz bottles of 7up one tray and AW the other. Don't know how to turn down or if you can. I just bought it to sell it and I'm out of room so it's gotta go. I've had my fun with it. Bring Two people and a truck.